The Spangle Maker Rarity
I made a thing. (artist comments/notes) Didnt draw Rarity pony in almost 1.5 yrs, last time was after I recorded my song.
The Spangle Maker Rarity Youtube
Fritillary is also the name of a flower with an interesting checkered pattern; it is obvious that both the flower and the butterfly get their common name because of such pattern. Another name for these handsome butterflies is silverspots because of the metallic markings on their wings undersides. The Spangle Maker. Unleash your inner (or outer) geek. Fandoms are for everyone. THE SPANGLED MAKER CORSET MERMAID NECKLACE - Is she a thing of legend or is she real?! This curious handmade necklace features a laser cut Victorian inspired mermaid complete with her Victorian era corset all attached to a silver chain. Charm is also clear coated for protection.

The process of this was tedious and dark, I tried for nearly 5 hrs trying to come up with something, and when I did, I couldn't draw it out much at all. That frustrated me and saddened me a bit. Later the process was simpler when I decided to draw something 'different' relating to the music I've been listening to, Ethereal Wave and Psychedelic Rock particularly. This picture drew from various inspirations and the title derives from a Cocteau Twins song I really like called The Spangle Maker. Art © Cutie Mark © Rarity © Hasbro The Spangle Maker © 1984 4AD Records Rarity is using a Glock 1911 Gen4.45 pistol 1k Deviation Celebration! Hey Rarity, I'm ho- Oh shit.beep boop boop.
Yeah, hello? Yeah, my waifu's trying to kill herself. Yes, I said waifu. Yes, I said trying to kill herself. What do I do? Yes, I called McDonalds for this. I did because my friend Bill works here and he also works at the 911 operating system.
The Spangle Maker Rarity Online

What do you mean, there's no Bill? I saw him yesterday at the counte- wait, you said he might be a doppleganger? Makes sense now. No, I won't change the number now, I'm too lazy. Tell her not to kill herself, are you CRAZY?! She might accidentally pull the trigger.
RARITY, DON't DO-.BANG!. Well, fuck. Hey, what's your name? Ok, Fred, if anyone asks, be ready to take the fall, I'm too scared to go to jail. Where's the best place to hide the body? Welp, I'll find a spot soon.