Bradley Oscilloscope Calibrator Type 192 Manual Muscle


Print thesis collection The McNichols Campus Library is home to a broad range of academic work created by University of Detroit and University of Detroit Mercy students as thesis requirement for graduation. While many bachelors and masters theses have been digitized and are accessible on the web via our digital Thesis Collection, there are still over 8,000 of these works that are only accessible in print on site. This bibliography of this print collection is intended to improve the findability of these valuable student-created resources by collecting their authors, titles, publication dates, and call numbers, along with program and degree information, in a single location. If you are the author of one of these works and are interested in having it digitized and made available via UDMs digital theses collection, please contact the Associate Dean for Instructional Technology (1-313-578-0579, ). UDM Libraries and Instructional Design Studio would be happy to digitize your work and return the print copy to you.

Hi there, I need your help in order to find documentation about the Bradley 192 Oscilloscope Calibrator. User manual would be fine, service manual would be even better (actually I don't know if it exist).

Search for Browse by Author Last Name. Slag as an aggregate MacDonald, Donald Allen. 1956 Pages / Illustrations: 33 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M1447 Truth about the activities of Father Sebastian Rasle among the Abenaki Indians Macdonald, Isabel. 1934 Pages / Illustrations: ii, 111 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TH M145 Engineers and unionization MacDonald, James A. 1958 Pages / Illustrations: 21 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M1448 Design and construction of a twenty-one tube television reciever Girardot, Alfred; MacDonald, John S.; Nymberg, Raymond; Nymberg, Raymong; Young, Francis. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 98 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M145 Change in content of primary readers MacDonald, Margaret. 1934 Pages / Illustrations: 171 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M134 Design of a differential relay demonstration board Coughlin, F.

J.; Macdonald, R. L.; Purcell, W. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: viii, 27 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY C831. Method of applying individualized instruction to world history classes in senior high schools Mahar, Mary Regina.

1932 Pages / Illustrations: 82 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M277 Quantitative stresscoat analysis of a rigid frame Lawrence, Raymond; Mahar, Richard P.; Maher, Richard P. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 9 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M277 Problems and trends of supersonic fighter design Mahar, Thomas Arthur. 1956 Pages / Illustrations: 59 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M278.

Co-op Compressor Company Barc, E. S.; Brick, T.G.; Deioma, R.C.; Demaioribus, M.F.; Farry, J.

J.; Finnegan, J. E.; Grant, G. D.; Haggerty, W.

J.; Hausman, W. C.; Industrial Options Group,; Industrial Options Group, Titan Manufacturing Company; Jennings, J. J.; Jokubaitis, L. K.; Kloecker, P.

V.; Levasseur, D. L.; Malaker, D. J.; Mazzola, S. A.; McCarron, M.

F.; Obermeyer, E. J.; Pisklak, S. I.; Przybylski, W. A.; Salerno, L. N.; Schembri, James F.; Sensel, E.

R.; Sensel, E.R.; Switch, M. W.; Tuckfield, H. A.; Weathers, L. 1957 Pages / Illustrations: 75 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ I42. Constant flow fuel injection - an application to passenger car engines Malone, Bobby W.; Pechanik, Jack; Pechenik, Jack. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: 23 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M296 Investigation into the properties of finned radiator tubing Malone, J.

D.; Malone, J.D.; Schorn, C. F.; Schorn, C.F. 1931 Pages / Illustrations: unpaged Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M297 Investigation into the properties of finned radiator tubing Malone, J. D.; Malone, J.D.; Schorn, C. F.; Schorn, C.F. 1931 Pages / Illustrations: unpaged Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M297 Gonadal hormones and their influence on coagulation of blood in the white rat Malone, John I.

1939 Pages / Illustrations: v, 18 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TB M297. Personality differences between boys living in their own homes and those in a small institution Maloney, John P. 1964 Pages / Illustrations: 42 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TPS M297 Selection procedures in ten of the largest corporations in the United States.

Maloney, Mary Jane. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 185 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TBA M297 L'orientalisme dans Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869) Maloney, Mildred M. 1934 Pages / Illustrations: 37 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TF M297 Insulation tests by the hot plate method Maloney, Stephen C.; Zacek, Oscar Steve. 1935 Pages / Illustrations: 27 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ Z11.

Design for 60' concrete arch bridge over Swan Creek on Mill Road Kopkowski, Ignatius; Mansfield, George. 1930 Pages / Illustrations: unpaged Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M317 High school program as a preparation for engineering training Mansfield, George Albert. 1956 Pages / Illustrations: 10 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M317 Iinvestigation into the design of concrete masonry retaining walls Mansfield, Robert J.

1958 Pages / Illustrations: 35 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M319.

Strength tests of A.C. Arc welded joints of tubular members for aircraft Marshall, Charles H.

1934 Pages / Illustrations: v, 39 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M355 Certain ionic reactions of organic compounds in pur sulfuric acid Marshall, Frederick J. 1943 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 20 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TC M356 Alkyl thiuronium salts Marshall, Patricia A. 1946 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 19 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TC M357 Methods of etching 2S, 3S, and 24S aluminum Marshall, Rex E. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: ii, 63 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M357 Resistance welding austenitic stainless steel Marshall, Robert Paul. 1953 Pages / Illustrations: 48 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M359. Starter gear cost study of Detroit Bevel Gear Company Martin, Arthur Albert; Zech, Roman James. 1954 Pages / Illustrations: 34 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M363 Design and construction of a fast food freezer Martin, Arthur B.; Pendergrass, William F.; Pinkleman, Theodre B. 1948 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 38 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ P655 Vacuum shelf-drier operation Martin, Bernard H.; Sawyer, Robert S. 1935 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 11 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW S 271 Vacuum shelf-drier operation Martin, Bernard H.; Sawyer, Robert S. 1935 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 11 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW S271 Aerodynamic characteristics of a Bell-mouth flap Martin, Carl L. 1945 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 56 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M368 Current interruption by circuit breakers Behune, Leo; Martin, George P. 1953 Pages / Illustrations: 48 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M363 Economic comparison of magnesium production processes Leeds, Thomas F.; Martin, George P.

1943 Pages / Illustrations: 49 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M363 Effects of freeway ramp closure Martin, Gerald H. 1963 Pages / Illustrations: 69 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M363 Design of a two story structural steel and reinforced concrete office and laboratory building Martin, J.

1927 Pages / Illustrations: 17 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M365 High tension transmission line Clark, Everett O.; Clark, Everette O.; Martin, J.

Russell; Peterson, Gunnar; Werner, Lawrence; Werner, Lawrence H.; Werner, Lawrence W. 1930 Pages / Illustrations: 42 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY C547 Electrolytic oxidation of oxalate ion in the determination of calcium and magnesium Martin, John Joseph. 1961 Pages / Illustrations: 26 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TC M381 Effects of flue gas on fresh concrete Martin, Lawrence William. 1955 Pages / Illustrations: 25 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M367 Naturalism and Frank Norris Martin, Louis E. 1954 Pages / Illustrations: 123 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TEN M364 Design and construction of a heat interchanger Martin, Owen D.; Troester, John H. 1936 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 21 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M364 Investigation of electric scoreboards Depalma, Roger; Manning, Avon; Martin, Ralph. 1933 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 36 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M316 Design of a shock absorbing bumper for shipping docks Martin, Robert Anthony.

1960 Pages / Illustrations: 19 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M364 Warm air panel heating Martin, Robert Joseph. 1956 Pages / Illustrations: 34 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M365 Botanical writings of Albertus Magnus Martin, Sr. 1954 Pages / Illustrations: 77 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TB M382 Some methods of teaching junior business training Martin, Theodore Columbus.

1933 Pages / Illustrations: 45 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M365 Transistorized precision timer using a binary counter Martin, William Joseph; Martin, Jr., William Joseph; Sanzeri, Raymond; Sanzeri, Richard Raymond. 1961 Pages / Illustrations: 39 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M365. Experimental determination of the yawing moment due to the angular velocity of yaw Martus, Bernard Raymond. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: v, 30 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M369 Illumination of the Tower clock at the University of Detroit Ager, Samuel E.; Belch, Frank S.; Martus, Wilfird A.; Martus, Wilfred A.; Martus, Wilfrid A.

1933 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 21 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY A265 Illumination of the Tower clock at the University of Detroit Ager, Samuel E.; Belch, Frank S.; Martus, Wilfird A.; Martus, Wilfred A.; Martus, Wilfrid A.

1933 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 21 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY A265 Illumination of the Tower clock at the University of Detroit Ager, Samuel E.; Belch, Frank S.; Martus, Wilfird A.; Martus, Wilfred A.; Martus, Wilfrid A. 1933 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 21 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY A265. Co-op Compressor Company Barc, E.

S.; Brick, T.G.; Deioma, R.C.; Demaioribus, M.F.; Farry, J. J.; Finnegan, J.

E.; Grant, G. D.; Haggerty, W. J.; Hausman, W. C.; Industrial Options Group,; Industrial Options Group, Titan Manufacturing Company; Jennings, J. J.; Jokubaitis, L.

K.; Kloecker, P. V.; Levasseur, D. L.; Malaker, D. J.; Mazzola, S.

A.; McCarron, M. F.; Obermeyer, E. J.; Pisklak, S. I.; Przybylski, W.

A.; Salerno, L. N.; Schembri, James F.; Sensel, E. R.; Sensel, E.R.; Switch, M. W.; Tuckfield, H. A.; Weathers, L.

1957 Pages / Illustrations: 75 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ I42. Miscellaneous solubilities in six of the newer organic solvents McCallum, F. 1932 Pages / Illustrations: 26 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M122 Selection of new heating equipment to meet increased requirements of the University of Detroit McCallum, Neil; McCallum, Neil J.; Siarto, Carl.

1951 Pages / Illustrations: 19 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ S562 Selection of new heating equipment to meet increased requirements of the University of Detroit McCallum, Neil; McCallum, Neil J.; Siarto, Carl. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: 19 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ S562. MEINDO Limited by the Industrial operation group, Donald L.; Barney, John J.; Carleton, Paul; Carleton, Paul J.; Desantis, Raymond P.; Eckhoff, Joseph L.; Kohli, Gyan; Lobo, Maurice; McCann, Raymond; Tillman, Donald L.; Walsh, William; Walsh, Williams.

1954 Pages / Illustrations: 35 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ B261 Determination of coefficient of friction between natural rubber and sheet asphalt pavements Mc.Cann, Thomas G.; McCann, Thomas G.; McElwee, Lawrence T.; Paquette, Jr., Clarence H. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 32 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M126 Increase of drawing die life McCann, Thomas G.; McClain, Harold J.; McElwee, Lawrence T.; Paquette, Jr., Clarence H. 1961 Pages / Illustrations: 36 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M126.

Time for destruction at resonance McCarron, Gerald Ellery. 1964 Pages / Illustrations: 47 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M123 Co-op Compressor Company Barc, E. S.; Brick, T.G.; Deioma, R.C.; Demaioribus, M.F.; Farry, J. J.; Finnegan, J. E.; Grant, G. D.; Haggerty, W.

J.; Hausman, W. C.; Industrial Options Group,; Industrial Options Group, Titan Manufacturing Company; Jennings, J. J.; Jokubaitis, L. K.; Kloecker, P. V.; Levasseur, D.

L.; Malaker, D. J.; Mazzola, S. A.; McCarron, M.

F.; Obermeyer, E. J.; Pisklak, S. I.; Przybylski, W. A.; Salerno, L.

N.; Schembri, James F.; Sensel, E. R.; Sensel, E.R.; Switch, M. W.; Tuckfield, H. A.; Weathers, L.

1957 Pages / Illustrations: 75 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ I42 Comparison of the calculus of finite differences with ordinary calculus McCarron, Sr. 1956 Pages / Illustrations: 75 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TM M123. Poet in search of a religion: Thomas Moore McCarthy, Angela.

1936 Pages / Illustrations: ii, 67 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TEN M127 Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Cambridge Platonists McCarthy, B. 1961 Pages / Illustrations: 81 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TEN M129 Investigation of the permeability of drain tile as commercially laid with regard to solids in suspension McCarthy, Florence Williams. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 14 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M1268 Design of a prestressed reinforced concrete railroad bridge McCarthy, James J.

1950 Pages / Illustrations: xi, 44 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M127 Electronic remote measuring system McCarthy, John Thomas. 1960 Pages / Illustrations: 27 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M127 Study to determine a program for supervising instruction at the elementary school level McCarthy, Julia Marie. 1933 Pages / Illustrations: 40 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M127 Study of the academic succes of graduates of Hamtramck High School who enrolled in institutions of higher learning during the years 1925-1935 McCarthy, Margaret; Scott, Alta Troden. 1936 Pages / Illustrations: 139 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED S425. Investigation of the evils arising from the adoption of low pressure tires on motor vehicles McCormick, George D. 1929 Pages / Illustrations: 4 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M137 Measuring torque in fractional horse-power motors of 1/50 HP or less by means of an electromagnet Markstrum, Lloyd; McCormick, Gordon. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 19 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M138 Analysis of press fit Laginess, Ernest J.; McCormick, Jarret F. 1965 Pages / Illustrations: 46 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ L175. An investigation of the operation of the pumphouses at grad3 seperations in Wayne County, Michigan Hopkins, Hayward; Hopkins, Robert Hayward; McDermott, Joseph Richard. Pages / Illustrations: 104 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M143 Library investigation of the effect of the shrinkage of concrete in alpha composite construction McDermott, Robert James. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: 7 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M1431 Construction and testing of reinforced concrete lintels McDermott, William J.; Strum, Irvin H.; Sturm, Irvin H. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: 45 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M144. Steam flow measurement to the engineering building of the University of Detroit Koch, Kenneth M.; McDonald, Angus N.; Pokorski, Thaddeus; Pokorski, Thaddeus J.

1939 Pages / Illustrations: v, 26 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ P756 Surface effects on pool boiling rates Mancewics, Thomas A.; Mancewitz, Thomas A.; McDonald, Gerald J. 1961 Pages / Illustrations: 67 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M311 Testing of a vacuum return heating pump De Cenzo, Elbert P; De Cenzo, Elbert P.; DeCenzo, Elbert P.; McDonald, James J.; Schechter, John P.

1935 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 36 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ D355 The effect of ground drag on the wind pressure distribution of a typical mill building Head, J. F.; McDonald, K. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: 20 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M1449 Sewage treatment plant design and water supply investigation at Holland, New York Baetzhold, Robert P.; Flament, Paul W.; Marlow, Joseph S.; McDonald, Richard W. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: viii, 28 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M145 Design of a semi-automatic field plotter McDonald, Robert E.; O'Toole, Robert M.

1961 Pages / Illustrations: 34 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M147 Design of a water distribution system for the city of Troy, Michigan McDonald, William E.; Peters, Rene J. 1959 Pages / Illustrations: 39 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M1456. The effects of torsion on leading edge spar boxes Haephy, Leo G.; Heaphy, Leo G.; McDonough, Charles F. 1942 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 47 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU H351 Construction of a sixteen plate continuous distillation unit Bracciano, Leo P.; McDonough, John A. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: 24 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW B721 Effects of physical properties on aluminum alloy etching McDonough, Robert.

1950 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 34 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M147.

Conditions under which instructors should engage in outside work McGough, Edward J. 1957 Pages / Illustrations: 8 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M176 Comparative analysis of stresses in a rigid frame Madden, Thomas E.; McGough, Leo J. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: x, 26 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M177 Predictive value of entrance tests at the University of Detroit in the College of Engineering McGough, Thomas R.

1938 Pages / Illustrations: v, 63 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M177. Construction of an artificial 200 mile telephone line Dean, William W.; Draczon, John E.; Kraczon, John E.; McGuiness, James H.; McGuinness, James H.; Szwalek, Stanley; Szwalek, Stanley J.; Szwalek, Stanley S. 1941 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 26 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY S998c Test of air leakage through weather-stripped double hung windows Danahey, Thomas J.; McGuinness, John P.; Nolan, Edmund T.

1938 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 37 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M179 Attitude of General Cass toward the Indians McGuinness, Marguerite.

1938 Pages / Illustrations: 105 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TH M179.

Humanity and the Negro today McGuire, Alice. 1932 Pages / Illustrations: 50 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TS M179 Effect of the solvent upon the spectrophotometric absorbancy index McGuire, James P. 1959 Pages / Illustrations: 26 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TC M179 Artificial electric power transmission lines Malfante, Tarcisio; McGuire, Paul; McGuire, Paul A.; Neal, John.

1950 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 35 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M294 Artificial electric power transmission lines Malfante, Tarcisio; McGuire, Paul; McGuire, Paul A.; Neal, John. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 35 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M294 Ultrasonic energy applied to heat transfer Connolly, John P.; McGuire, Richard W. 1963 Pages / Illustrations: 56 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ C764. Needs and methods of teaching social science in elementary schools. McIntosh, Augusta M. 1934 Pages / Illustrations: ii, 83 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TEC M189 Precipitated calcium carbonate plant design McIntosh, Charles D.; Melena, Ralph C. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 31 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M189 Application of high-frequency lighting McIntosh, Donald John. 1959 Pages / Illustrations: 31 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M189 Teaching dramatics in the junior high school McIntosh, Myrthle A. 1935 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 100 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M189. Comparison of the McGrath test of reading skills with the Peabody picture vocabulary test, the wide range achievement spelling test, the Gates basic reading comprehension test, and the Gray oral reading paragraphs text McKee, Caroline M.

1971 Pages / Illustrations: 55 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M194 The design of an offset crankshaft for a 135 degree B-4 internal combustion engine Kennedy, Lawrence A.; McKee, Paul E. 1960 Pages / Illustrations: 61 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ K350 Design of an automatic switch that will trip the master switch of a milling machine before the cutter breaks. McKee, Thomas Francis. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 25 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M194. Internal combustion engine balances and vibration McLean, Laurence H.

1936 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 53 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M224 Motor generator construction thesis Casey, James; McLean, Raymond. 1944 Pages / Illustrations: 21 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY C268 Design and testing of a radio controlled target plane McLean, Wesley; McLean, Wesley J.; Staff, Edward H. 1938 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 17 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU S779 Design and testing of a radio controlled target plane McLean, Wesley; McLean, Wesley J.; Staff, Edward H.

1938 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 17 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU S779. Commercial and domestic refrigeration Havas, A.; Havas, A. W.; Hogan, E.

V.; Hogan, E.V.; McMahon, F. P.; McMahon, F.P. 1930 Pages / Illustrations: 25 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M227 Commercial and domestic refrigeration Havas, A.; Havas, A. W.; Hogan, E.

V.; Hogan, E.V.; McMahon, F. P.; McMahon, F.P. 1930 Pages / Illustrations: 25 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M227 Analysis of role conflict experienced by parish priests consequent upon the directives of Vatican II McMahon, John R. 1969 Pages / Illustrations: 102 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TS M167 Personnel data concerning social and academic status of students enrolled McMahon, Mary E.; McMahon, Rachel M. 1935 Pages / Illustrations: xi, 275 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M227 Dynamic torsion of thin-walled tubes McMahon, Michael J. 1964 Pages / Illustrations: 48 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M2275 Personnel data concerning social and academic status of students enrolled McMahon, Mary E.; McMahon, Rachel M. 1935 Pages / Illustrations: xi, 275 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M227. Design of Diesel engine, 100 H.P.- 400 R.P.M.- vertical- solid injection, operating of the Diesel cycle four power cylinders Downing, Robert; McManmon, Joseph C.; Samson, Walter; Samson, Walter F. 1930 Pages / Illustrations: 30 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ D758 Design of Diesel engine, 100 H.P.- 400 R.P.M.- vertical- solid injection, operating of the Diesel cycle four power cylinders Downie, George; McManmon, Joseph C. 1930 Pages / Illustrations: 30 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ D757. Grade separation design for Ashtabula, Ohio Bleshoy, Maurice E.; McMullen, Cletus C. 1932 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 50 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX B617 Grade separation design for Ashtabula, Ohio Bleshoy, Maurice E.; McMullen, Cletus C. 1932 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 50 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M617 Air conditioning a cold room; or The design and specification of an air conditioned cold room to supplement the guarded hot box used in the University of Detroit Engineering Laboratory McMullen, Frederick E.; Pleban, Eugene J. 1953 Pages / Illustrations: 28 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M229. Improved air intake filtering system for internal combustion engines Bambford, Waldron; Bamford, Waldron L.; McNamara, Bernard J.

1955 Pages / Illustrations: 30 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ B221 Influence of wing position on the lift characteristics of a monoplane Goldenberg, Nathan N.; McNamara, George Q.

1934 Pages / Illustrations: ii, 52 p. Usb dongle id generator key download. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M232 Rearrangements of indone derivatives McNamara, James Henry. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: v, 65 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TC M232 Design of an automatic control system for the pasteurization of glass packaged products McNamara, John Henry. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: 33 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M234 Study of matter production in various field theories McNamara, Patrick Joseph.

1956 Pages / Illustrations: 64 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TPH M169 Case studies showing religion as a factor in the rehabilitation of the delinquent girl McNamara, Sister M. 1935 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 253 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TS M232. History and development of cooperative education in secondary schools Meier, Alfred C. 1934 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 79 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M475 Design and construction of electrochemical analyzer Brancheau, Kenneth; Ferstle, John; Luptowski, Eugene; Meier, Anthony. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: v, 18 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY L974 Use of plastics in construction Meier, Vincent; Seguin, Richard. 1957 Pages / Illustrations: 41 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX S456. Electronic transistor curve tracer Mellenger, James A.; Slitti, Jr., Ralph L.

1961 Pages / Illustrations: 31 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M525 Monoscope test generator for television receivers Connolly, Denis J.; Mellenger, Thomas H; Mellenger, Thomas H. 1961 Pages / Illustrations: 25 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY C762 Monoscope test generator for television receivers Connolly, Denis J.; Mellenger, Thomas H; Mellenger, Thomas H.

1961 Pages / Illustrations: 25 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY C762. Latin Verb synonyms Meyer, Florence. 1938 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 107 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TL M575 Design of a three phase induction motor Meyer, Harry A.; Montaudon, Rene A. 1934 Pages / Illustrations: v, 46 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M575 Theory and design of a stiffened suspension foot bridge Condon, Frank Joseph; Meyer, Robert William. 1933 Pages / Illustrations: xi, 64 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M575 Headlight crunch test Meyer, Wayne Edward. 1964 Pages / Illustrations: 26 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M575. Construction of a hydraulic demonstration tank and the calibration of certain weirs and orifices Miller, Austin J.; Miller, Jr., Austin; VanAntwerp, Francis J. 1948 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 20 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M612 Design of an artificial power transmission line Dymek, Edward E.; Fiedler, Harold Joseph; Fielder, Harold Joseph; Galloway, Edward Elemr; Galloway, Edward Elmer; Miller, Carl David. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: ix, 49 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY D993 Technical instittue within the university, and engineering educational thesis Miller, Carter E.; Simkovitz, Wilbert. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: 61 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M612 Series of fluorenol homologues and their dehydration products Miller, Charles A. 1944 Pages / Illustrations: iii, 22 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TC M612 Construction and application of a fixed frequency receiver Miller, Clifford E. 1947 Pages / Illustrations: ix, 65 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M612 Calorific value of gasolines by burner method Livingston, Wm. A.; Miller, Don E.; Ruby, John A. 1934 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 22 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ R824 Calorofic value of gasolines by burner method Livingston, William A.; Miller, Don E.; Ruby, John A.

1934 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 28 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ T837 Natural power plant Miller, F. 1964 Pages / Illustrations: 36 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M614 Electrical sorter for railroad cars Miller, Frank J. 1962 Pages / Illustrations: 21 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M614 Attempt to synthesize phenol from benzene by pyrolisis Miller, George A. 1932 Pages / Illustrations: 14 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M614 Trends in the maintenance of floors in school buildings Miller, Harry Wayne. 1934 Pages / Illustrations: v, 46 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M614 Photoelectric tachometer Baumgardner, Floyd J.; Brang, Alan E.; Miller, Jack M. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 34 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY B734 Transistor Miller-integrator Miller, James R.; Thomas, Ronald W. 1960 Pages / Illustrations: 17 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M615 Velocity profile indicator Miller, John J. 1960 Pages / Illustrations: 22 numb Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M615 Test-retest and inter-scorer reliability on the psychopathology scale of the Hutt Adaptaion of the Bender Gestalt Miller, Lawrence J.

1973 Pages / Illustrations: 38 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TPS M648 Comparative study of the locomotor mechanisms of the rodends, rattus and dipodomys Miller, Maxine I. 1963 Pages / Illustrations: 32 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TB M649 Superimposed, square-wave, oscilloscop calibrator Miller, Paul R. 1962 Pages / Illustrations: 58 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TYB454 Superimposed, square-wave, oscilloscope calibrator Berlin, Garcy C; Berlin, Gary C.; Miller, Paul R. 1962 Pages / Illustrations: 58 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY B454 Electrical design of a grad school and recreation field Miller, Richard C. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: v, 46 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M617 Investigation of the practicabiity of cooling automotive vehicles using an absorption-type system Miller, Richard P.; Peters, Norman T. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: v, 39 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M617 Thermal conductivity of soils for heat pump application Fortin, Joseph; Miller, Robert F; Miller, Robert F.; Roberge, Donald C.; Rortin, Joseph. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: v, 23 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ R54 Thermal conductivity of soils for heat pump application Fortin, Joseph; Miller, Robert F; Miller, Robert F.; Roberge, Donald C.; Rortin, Joseph. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: v, 23 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ R54 Design of an automotive air conditioning unit Hurych, Victor J.; Miller, Robert R.; Paluszkiewics, Richard S.; Paluszkiewicz, Richard S. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: viii, 37 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ H949 George Sandy's translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses and its contribution to the history of poetic technique Miller, Sister Marie Irene. 1953 Pages / Illustrations: 51 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TEN M614. Design and construction of an apparatus for investigating the heat losses from bare and covered steam pipes Mishtal, Theodore; Mishtal, Theodore S.; Pietrzniak, Edward; Shonk, Alfred; Shonk, Alfred C.; Shonk, Alfred H.; Theodore, Mishtal. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: 20 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M678 Design and construction of an apparatus for investigating the heat losses from bare and covered steam pipes Mishtal, Theodore; Mishtal, Theodore S.; Pietrzniak, Edward; Shonk, Alfred; Shonk, Alfred C.; Shonk, Alfred H.; Theodore, Mishtal. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: 20 numb.

Bradley oscilloscope calibrator type 192 manual muscle diagram

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M678. Self-concept and scholastic achievement; a comparative study of the scholastic performance of high school students with positive and negative self-concepts Mitchell, Edward J.

1966 Pages / Illustrations: 68 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TPS M692 North Centeral Conference of student chapters of the American Society of Civil Engineers Mitchell, Gerald; Murphy, James; Rutherford, Charles. 1953 Pages / Illustrations: 158 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX R975 A comparative study of high school seniors, ect. Mitchell, Ivan.

1939 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 66 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M693 Pressure distribution in the University of Detroit supersonic wind tunnel Mitchell, John Francis. 1954 Pages / Illustrations: 38 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M681 Design and construction of a fast food freezer Krause, Robert P.; Mitchell, Richard.

1947 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 38 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ K868. Study of boold coagulation time during the gestation period in the rabbit Mooney, Charles A. 1940 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 26 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TB M779 Rivets in tension Mooney, Gerald G.; Rochon, Robert L. 1953 Pages / Illustrations: 43 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M818 Reliability of the Kuhlmann-Anderson intelligence tests for gradews ii, iv, and vi Mooney, Jessie.

1939 Pages / Illustrations: vi, 52 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M779 Why graduate engineers should unionize Mooney, John James.

1955 Pages / Illustrations: 17 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M821 Design of a portable engine stand Mooney, Peter Xavier. 1957 Pages / Illustrations: 17 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M779. Design and operation of a calibrating bath Moore, Charles R. 1930 Pages / Illustrations: 6 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M785 Effect of solid particles on the operating characteristics of a jet pump Moore, Charles R. 1965 Pages / Illustrations: 56 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M821 Investigation into the deformation and deflection of needle bearing rollers Kasten, Fred; Moore, John R.; Moore, R. John; Patyrak, Stanley F.

1937 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 33 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M786 Laboratory test set-up for steam injectors Moore, Milton J.; Rogala, Edward C. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 24 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ R63 Investigation into the deformation and deflection of needle bearing rollers Kasten, Fred; Moore, John R.; Moore, R. John; Patyrak, Stanley F. 1937 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 33 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M786 Torsional buckling of thin walled slit cylinders Moore, Sheldon Henry, Jr.

1963 Pages / Illustrations: 42 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M788. Analogue computer for the solution of linear simultaneous equations Gibbs, Richard L.; Moran, Arthur P. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: 30 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY G443 Macrodetermination of total carbon and hydrogen in salts of organic acids Moran, Edward A. 1965 Pages / Illustrations: 25 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TC M829 Mathematical solution of unbalanced, three-phase, wye-connected, systems Moran, F.

1932 Pages / Illustrations: 33 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M793M Group cohesion and attraction theory Moran, Gary Patrick. 1961 Pages / Illustrations: 53 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TPS M795 Bibliographical study of the literature on fixed-frequency cyclotron Moran, Martin T. 1963 Pages / Illustrations: 112 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TPH M829 Establishing an accounting department Moran, Thomas Francis.

1951 Pages / Illustrations: 56 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M829. Centrality of Satan in Luther's world Morgan, Colum J. 1979 Pages / Illustrations: 85 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TH M848 Vehicle performance prediction Morgan, Donald Robert. 1965 Pages / Illustrations: 68 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M8297 Study of the relationship between the Guilford-Shneidman-Zimmerman interest survey and the Kuder preference record Morgan, Howard G.

1951 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 36 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TPS M822 Effect of previous thermal history on the spheroidization of plain carbon steel Morgan, Stanley William.

Pages / Illustrations: iii, 25 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M823. Laboratory test of a Curtis steam turbine for undergraduate students Morris, Charles P; Morris, Charles P.; Sheeran, Thomas M. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: 37 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M831 Laboratory test of a Curtis steam turbine for undergraduate students Morris, Charles P; Morris, Charles P.; Sheeran, Thomas M. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: 37 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M831 Drop test recorder Morris, Harrison W. 1946 Pages / Illustrations: v, 13 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M832 All electronic repreduction of the CBS colored television system Lienhard, Jerome; Lienhard, Thomas; Morris, James. 1953 Pages / Illustrations: 55 numb. 1 Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY L719.

Plaque diffuser Morrison, Angus. 1959 Pages / Illustrations: 10 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M834 Investigation and determination of suitable cockpit cooling and ventilation for supersonic aircraft Karalash, Donald J.; Morrison, Eugene J. 1957 Pages / Illustrations: 41 numb. 1 Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ K143 Application of the hot-wire anemometer principle to direct-reading humidity meter Cady, Mark J; Cady, Mark J.; Morrison, Ronald F.; Rivett, James E. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: 65 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ C115 Study of the modernization of the American Language with an analytical discussion of the influence upon the eighth grade textbooks used in the parochial and public school system of Detroit Morrison, Sister Charles Therese. 1956 Pages / Illustrations: 59 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TED M831 Steam flow apparatus Fleming, William M.; Morrison, William C.

1951 Pages / Illustrations: 32 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ F627 Telephone central office power control cicuits Morrison, William J. 1954 Pages / Illustrations: 32 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M883. Refrigeration by endothermic reaction Kreuger, Donald A.; Krueger, Donald A.; LaValley, Robert J.; Moskaloff, R W; Moskaloff, R. W.; Rieli, Anthony; Rieli, Anthony P.; Rieli, Anthony R.

1951 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 33 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ L382 Refrigeration by endothermic reaction Kreuger, Donald A.; Krueger, Donald A.; LaValley, Robert J.; Moskaloff, R W; Moskaloff, R. W.; Rieli, Anthony; Rieli, Anthony P.; Rieli, Anthony R. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 33 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ L382. Voltage regulation by means of a saturable reactor Mullen, Charles T.; Shouskey, Edward.

Pages / Illustrations: iii, 19 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY M911 Investigation of capillary tubes Clarkson, Gordon M.; Mullen, Edward F.; Mullen, Edward F.; Sielaff, Carl F.; Sielaff Jr., Carl F.; Sielaff, Jr., Carl F. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: 18 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ C561 Investigation of capillary tubes Clarkson, Gordon M.; Mullen, Edward F.; Mullen, Edward F.; Sielaff, Carl F.; Sielaff Jr., Carl F.; Sielaff, Jr., Carl F.

1949 Pages / Illustrations: 18 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ C561 History and development of transportaion in America Mullen, Francis W.

1933 Pages / Illustrations: v, 54 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M911 Hydrostatic lubrication in automotive engines Mullen, James F. 1959 Pages / Illustrations: 27 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M897. Torsional buckling characteristics of thin-walled slit steel tubing Murphy, Arthur J.

1960 Pages / Illustrations: 42 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M898 Heat transfer in beds of fluidized solids Anderson, Maynard; Murphy, Chester K. 1952 Pages / Illustrations: v, 57 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW A548 North Centeral Conference of student chapters of the American Society of Civil Engineers Mitchell, Gerald; Murphy, James; Rutherford, Charles.

1953 Pages / Illustrations: 158 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX R975 Ball mill performance on silica sand Murphy, James P. Pages / Illustrations: v, 26 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M954 Stress investigation of rotating non-symmetrical disks Kaminski, Walter R.; Murphy, Randal T. 1959 Pages / Illustrations: 53 numb. 1 Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ K129 Humor in Horace and his philosophy of life Murphy, Sister Mary Helena.

1933 Pages / Illustrations: ii, 46 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TL M955. Light plane muffler Murray, David L. 1955 Pages / Illustrations: 37 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M962 Modern laboratory program Murray, David L.; Rutt, Paul A. 1955 Pages / Illustrations: 81 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M899 Noise reduction in Erie City Iron Works forced draft blowers Murray, Donald Joseph. 1954 Pages / Illustrations: 32 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M981 Design and detail of a flat slab factory building; v. 1: exposition and computation; v. 2: charts Murray, James V. 1929 Pages / Illustrations: 2 v Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M964 Nomograph for flame temperature Murray, John D. 1942 Pages / Illustrations: iv, 35 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M964 Test and design of a municipal dust collector Murray, Joseph E.; Schettl, Alvin J. 1949 Pages / Illustrations: v, 30 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ S327 Relating driver discomfort to fifth wheel position Loftus, Thomas James; Murray, Owen Joseph. 1957 Pages / Illustrations: 41 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ L829 Design of a sewage streatment plant for a small community Murray, Robert E. 1951 Pages / Illustrations: ix, 23 p.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TX M966 Design of a pivotal headlamp system Murray, Thomas Joseph. 1960 Pages / Illustrations: 27 numb.

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TZ M984. Influence of ego-involvement in honesty Myers, Donald G. 1962 Pages / Illustrations: 45 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TPS M996 Variation of wing efficiency with the use of end plates Myers, James R.

1954 Pages / Illustrations: 43 numb. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TU M996 Effect of temperature on the lyewashing of oils to remove hydrogen sulphide Myers, Lynn J. 1929 Pages / Illustrations: 11 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TW M992 Miniaturized sound oscillator Gilkey, George Milton; Myers, Robert John. 1961 Pages / Illustrations: 27 numb.

Bradley Oscilloscope Calibrator Type 192 Manual Muscle Machine

Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY G444 Amplidyne speed control Amelotte, Raymond P.; Cahalan, Lawrence J.; Myers, Robert T. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 36 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY A449 Amplidyne speed control Amelotte, Raymond T.; Amelottte, Raymond P.; Cahalan, Lawrence J.; Myers, Robert T. 1950 Pages / Illustrations: vii, 36 p. Degree Conferred: Program: Call Number: TY A499.

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