Arma 2 How To Install Vte Modells
Welcome to the UNSUNG Vietnam War MOD. This mod has been around since 2004, producing content for all the iterations of this military simulation.

The goal of this team is to develop a level of realism and immersion that leaves the player with a sense of the difficulties encountered when conducting operations in the environment of South East Asia. We use actual DEMS/SRTM (digital elevation mapping /Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) of the historic AOs and Satellite imagery as well 60s-70s era aerial / on the ground photos when making our islands. Our units/vehicles/aircraft/buildings are based on actual pictures from that era, we have accumulated an extensive database over the years, as well as active and ex military team members that contribute their unique knowledge. We hope you enjoy our work, as much as we did making it. With the subsequent BI DLC updates including the integration of 64 Bit, it set the mod back longer than anticipated. However due to the hard work and determination of the team most of these obstacles have been finally overcome.
Along with countless model updates and enhancements the team is satisfied that it is in a stable condition for release. And yes there are still plenty of things that need fixing and a few bugs here and there but remember this is a progress update and we will address them as we move forward. Heres the line up of new and improved Content in Echo: Weapons: AK-47 + Variants (New Model) AKM + Variants (New Model) China Lake 40mm GL (New Model) H/R T223 M-1918 BAR (New Model) M-1919A6 MG M2 Carbine (New Model) M2 Carbine (Sawn-Off) M16A1 (New Birdcage Model) M1903A1 Springfield M1A1 Thompson (New Model + New Model VC Version) Madsen M50 MAS-36 (New Model Original and Paratrooper version + Grenade Launcher) MAT-49 (New Model + Sidearm + New Suppressor) Mauser Kar98k Mauser MG-42 MP40 Nambu Type 100 PK LMG (New Model) Sa.
November 23rd, 2009 - 15:33 By has informed us about the release of a YouTube video featuring his WIP WWII airplanes. Preview of another sideline project I am working on.
Any parties interested in lending some partime assistance - leave a msg News submitted. November 22nd, 2009 - 23:37 By has released an updated v1.01 MP7 addon on the. Changelog: V1.01 - New: New Ammunition Boxes - New: More Custom Styles. (Fold Grip) - New: Cartridge Ejection Window Added.
Fix: The Model in the right direction, turning. Fix: Black Tracer Bug removed.
Arma 2 How To Install Vte Modells In Brooklyn
Nov 10, 2014 This helps you by preloading VAS before you join a server. You usually won't need this unless you are playing on servers which use a lot of addons.
Fix: Tracer Speed adjust. Fix: Missing recoil on the SD Version Fixed.
November 22nd, 2009 - 23:14 By has released a UK: Special Forces addon on the. These units are generics (see my WIP thread for long explanation) designed to represent any British special forces units. They are reskins of the stock BI models and I do not intend to change the models at this time. Anyway enjoy them and as usual if you take any cool pics feel free to post them up in here always keen to see what other people do with my work.
They come in 3 varieties: Desert, Mixed and Temperate. On top of this the body armour can also come in temperate or desert variants and in the mixed units there some guys will use desert bush hats and others green ones. Anyway enjoy. November 22nd, 2009 - 22:19 By has released an updated Mission Operation Backdraft v.1.1 coop mission on the. This time, you have to destroy several anti-aircraft batteries on Utes.
After that, you must find the wreck of a lost UH1Y. There could be survivors left. Find and free them out of the Russian hands. But be aware. As soon as the Russian see you, they could kill the hostages.
There is the possibility to order paratroops as reinforcements as soon as the air above Utes is clear. The key to success in this mission is teamwork, darkness and silence. November 21st, 2009 - 06:49 By has released an Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Soundtracks file on the. As the title reads, I have taken all of Operation Flashpoint's Soundtracks and released it in.OGG format (This format is used for the music/sounds In-Game, That way players can use the original OFP music in their own created missions.
This was intended for the Cold War Rearmed Team but I figure I can release it to the community as well. Included in the.rar is a Read me file that tells you EXACTLY how to use the music in your mission Enjoy. Old Bear note: has already released in June 2009 such an OFP music file on our forums:, a 69 MB archive you can find in our Addons section.The 2 files are of showing different size, no information about content is explaining this difference. November 20th, 2009 - 18:02 By has released a MP7 addon on the.
Thanks in advance! Flash fxp 3 0 2 crack rocks.
I'm already looking forward to the ARMA2 Community to publish more Weapons, to what other games have biten so much we should enjoy in ArmA2. I Plan more Weapons to the Release, (a Completely New G36, P8´s, Glock´s, FN SCAR etc.) of course, everything takes its time. We want to put not just exaggerating for the beginning of times, I've converted the MP7 for ARMA2. Now the First Release come´s a 'Heckler & Koch' MP7 (MaschinenPistole 7), the HK MP7 was developed by the German Company Heckler & Koch.
It meets the requirements of the NATO PANEL V to a 'Personal Defense Weapon (PDW Personal Defense Weapon). This is a Alpha Release, It may therefore appear more errors. November 20th, 2009 - 14:55 By has released an updated version -v20b- of his VFTCAS - Terrain Collision Avoidance System addon on the. Big name, small addon. I was getting annoyed with the amount of dead choppers in forests, groves and hills that were lying there for no other reason than pilot stupidity. Since I was tired of missing out on half of the choppers during my missions I wrote this small addon.
It simulates a primitive terrain scanning radar that just scans the terrain level ahead and adjusts the vertical lift of the chopper to maintain a minimum flightlevel of 35m (min height to avoid treetops). Updated to new build 20. Improvement: compensate loss of speed during terrain collision avoidance measures. Improvement: exit message (if publicVariable vftcasrun 0) appears only once. Improvement: signed for MP usage.
Needed addons: November 20th, 2009 - 05:01 By has posted some news and WIP screen of his KC130 addon on. Well as it says its a kc-130.i thought it might be cool once done! Sorry dont have alot of time to explain much! But its still very much wip and needs alot of work! So far its just a non-animated probe!
I plan to have this with the ability to re-fuel other inflight! The way i thought about how to do this is too, make it so in stead of flying up to the plane to re-fuel(like how u do with the fuel trucks), you fly up to one of the probes.with in a few meters or something, but dont worry you wont accualy have to nearly stick you nose throw it to get re-fueled. And im hoping to get someone to script it so it retracts and maby a script were it will automaticly(like how autopilot landing works) guide the other plane up to the tankers probes basket.while at the same time keeping the kc-130 leveled and maintaing speed with the re-fueling jet! This will come in usmc colors too! Things needed done:.needs new basket.a better modeled one(mine sucks.if you look at it close).script to make fuel probe extend retract and 'flow' in the air(to not look so strait).script to make 'my desribed type' of automatic scripted re-fuel process between tanker and jet.maby new textures p.s. I will be releaseing my usaf maryland ang c-130 for arma1 as well, including a usmc and usn versions for arma1(as my maryland ang c-130 is already in ill be updating my a2 usn c-130 with the new textures, thanks too eddyd for help with them)! Up next my us navy p-3c orion for both a1 and a2(and for the record most if not all of my addons will find there way to a2 even if i dont say they will).

November 19th, 2009 - 22:16 By has released an updated v5.0 RussianArmorPack on the. Changed Commander view type to T90 instead of T72.This also fixes the gunner moving the commander view when turning turret. This pack has one issue with ArmaII, the rvmats make it dependent on the tracked.pbo.(if you want the shinyness and scratches)The only way I could get around this was to add them into the tracked.pbo package. All you do is de-pbo the tracked.pbo and add the included rvmats to the data detailmappy directory.If you DON'T do this, what will happen is the game will nag you about it on startup and the textures will be flat/matt without the ArmaII 'shinyness'(no biggy really but I personally like the shiny textures better).