Iconcool Studio Serial Mom

  1. Serial Mom Cast

Iconcool Studio Pro 8.20 Build 140222 For Notebook Free Download Spanish. Iconcool Studio Serial Mom Wiki. MediaFire download on mac free software 8.20. Torrent IconCool; Studio,Pro; (8.20,Build 140222) #windows'64 bit PDFCool Free Studio 3.80 Build 140111.

Been quite a while. Long story short I had to move out of my place and leave the computer behind but before that I was forced out of the room I was in which meant no internet access on my only working computer. Then shit really hit the fan and my health has been on a steep downward decline.

And now I'm here and alive. I moved in with my girlfriend and I'm going to work on my mental and physical health before anything else and I might be gone for a little while longer. I really miss this place and I miss you guys, but my significant other has been really pushing me to be better and to work on my art again so I'm going to try harder. I'll keep whoever cares updated.

Later friends, Kian. Your team: 1) Is your family. 2) Gets jealous whenever you interact with other trainers.

3) Would protect you from anything. 4) Is loyal to you, but mostly aloof.

5) At least tolerates each of their differences by this point. 6) Is a pretty much a big, chaotic mess. WELL YOU'RE NOT WRONG. You travel mostly by: 1) Well-worn footpath. 2) Overgrown trail. 6) Wilderness.

So no one can see the mess I have created. Another evolution occurs: 1) Starter evolves. 2) 2 evolves. 3) 3 evolves. 4) 4 evolves. 5) 5 evolves.

6) 6 evolves. Soooooo I'm in-between jobs right now. I let you guess what that means.

Going the next 3-4 weeks without anything. With that I'm going to be putting up YCH Chibi's as soon as I can, until then my usual prices stand. For higher grade example work. Gonna be blasting this everywhere so I apologize if it gets annoying. Commission information here.

Edit: Detail/prices work out for the detail depicted in the examples. They do vary. Email me at tgpworks@gmail.com or here or whatever works for you. Pay half as deposit, and the rest later.

If you cannot pay me but wish to support, share this. Unlimited slots for now. Thanks guys, Gear.

I can't tell you how grateful I am for you guys and in sticking with me for so long (some of you since the beginning, you know who you are). I'm 1 away from 300 and as I said in my last Journal, my computer is all set up. I can't sit at it without getting a sore back because the desk it's on is weird and I don't have a mouse so I'm using my tablet, but I'm slowly chipping away at BtS. But seriously. I love you guys. You know I do.

Things are a little rocky still but slowly picking up. I fell into a rut and it's insanely hard to get back into when you've been out of it for so long. Plus my cat is in constant hyper drive so doing art with a shit rocket zooming around you at the speed of light doesn't make it easier haha. Aight I'll stop being mushy and catch you guys later. So as most of you know, my roommates built me a computer.

I learned it was initially for someone else but they're in Taiwan and I'm here so I got it, lol. It has my name on it and it's officially MINE AND DFKJGHDSKFGHSDKLFJGHSD hooray arts. Anyways this means I get to get back into art! I'm too busy to do anything today, but everything is basically almost done and ready to do! I also have a kitten so lets see how this works out, shes already batting at my hand for typing and using the mouse, lol.

Stolen from because I'm also bored XD alsoalso this is on mobile so typos galore Name: K-k-k-kian Nickname(s): Gear Star Sign: Virgo Gender: dood Height: 161/5'3' (I smol) Time Right Now: 18:01 Average Hours of Sleep: 3-6 Lucky Number: 13 Last thing I Googled: translator because foreign friends like to spew their language at me and I like to try to desipher it if they don't out right. Number of Blankets: 4. One to sleep with, one to snuggle with or throw on top because it gets HELLA cold at night sometimes. One to wrap myself up in when I need to use the toilet and I don't feel like putting clothes back on, and of course one that sits at he foot of my bed neglected.

They all rotate from time to time. Favorite Fictional Characters: in no particular order; Pikachu. Dorian Pavus. Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister (books, not show). Kai Cheung (my own oc is allowed to be my favourite). And many, many more but I'm not about to bore you.

I doubt anyones reading this anyways lol. Favorite Book: Song of Ice and Fire. I don't read a lot/can't read very well but something about these books have captivated my interest. I'm on book 3.

I've been reading them since they released book 4. I'm not kidding when I say I can't read very well. Dyslexia is a pain in the ass. Favorite Bands/Singers: LINDSEY STIRLING, SKYE I AM HERE I LOVE HER TOO!!

But also recently Studio Killers. Pentatonix as of two years ago lol. Like my character list, my music list is endless.

Dream Job: Animatooooorrrrr or at least in the industry somewhere. What am I Wearing Right Now: Pft. When you created your Deviantart page: this one was December 2010, but I've been on here for 9 years (iHardcore was my previous account if you want proof).

When your account reached its peak: when I launched BtS and officially submitted it to the forums. Met some if my best friends there too What made you decide to get an account: I was a teenager and thought all the cool kids were into it lol. Whether you get messages on a daily basis: Uhhhhhhh might want to reword that sentence.???

I don't get messages (well, not here) on daily, but i watch a lot of people so my centre fills up lol Why did you choose your URL: because it's cool. I saw this a few times an of course it was only a matter of time before I get tagged and oh guess who fucking tags me & ofc and GUESS WHO I GET TO WRITE ABOUT Kai. Big surprise there. Jadethestone gave me a choice so I’m throwing birdmom in cause they tie together and shit. MYSTERY’S NAME IS SAWYER Stop asking.

Kai is very, very short. Sawyer is very tall. They were once the same height until Kai stopped growing at the age of 10 and Sawyer just kept on going and going and she’s now 6’ tall and Kai’s down at a tiny 4’11. Sawyer’s family are also very tall, they’re a family of giants! She's v proud of her tiny asian friend. Kai’s mom is not her real mom, it’s actually her mom's friend, but she moved in with her now mom so she could train in Unova and study abroad. Sawyer battles gym leaders into submission just to collect their badges but she’s not registered and does it for the kicks, like she just roams around to different regions.

She has 27 badges not including the duplicates. Kai has yet to successfully win her first gym badge without issue. Cheren’s battle, though successful, had a lot of issues and is due for a proper rematch in the future. Kai is the one with extensive knowledge on competitive battle strategy.

Sawyer is a bird brain who’s literally just “winging it”. This greatly irritates Kai to no visible end. You’ll find out just how much when they finally see each other in canon.

5. Kai has a terrible temper and often loses control of it if things aren’t going her way, or she feels pressured. She also has a ‘god complex’ or the overwhelming feeling of being better than you, hence her outburst with Cheren.

She’s still young and has a lot to learn, though. Sawyer And ’s Maya usually keep her in line. Sawyer is very passive aggressive and normally very calm, but because of her younger buff she’s developed a ‘mother syndrome’ and usually uses that to defy her enemies. Sawyer is very, very gay. Kai is questioning (No thanks to a certain someone yes I’m looking at you CC).

Neither of them canonologically know of these facts and both are scared of coming out to each other. The reason these two get along so well is because Kai is quiet and reserved and Sawyer is a blabber mouth so she Sawyer literally just rambles on and on and Kai just quietly listens and enjoys the banter. Kai is Taurus and Sawyer is Capricorn if that means anything.

Poke-Kai has been crackshipped with ’s Brinley because he’s cute and secret dorky bf goals jk jk. She's also been developed into a divi-verse au with Cancer-Cub’s Maya where they’ve become a canon ship. Her digimon is a big shark doge that eats everything and he’s adorable and his name is Chompmon. I decided to base him off my late dog, Ben. Who was just dumb and goofy and gave me great peace.

There’s a mini comic that will be out sometime this year once we organize it featuring these two and it is fucking ridiculous in all the best ways. Tagged by but I don't feel like doing anything else, but here are my answers.

If you could have any pet, unaffected by allergies, cost, or reality, what would it be? DRAGON.

What is your go-to colour in your art and why do you think that is? (eg – I use a lot of green because I draw way too many forests.) Blues, purples, or greens. Why do you like your very favourite movie so much? Oh jeez, ok so I’m a huge movie fan and this changes every time a new movie comes out, but what attracts me to a movie and why I love it so much depends on either the message or execution. If it looks stunning and clearly they spend a great deal of time and money on the visuals, but not the story, I’m all over it. And vice versa. If both are lacking, I’ll still probably like something about it.

But uhh Rarely do I not like something though. What is your favourite form of art?

(Visual, written, cooking, etc?) Visual!!!. Do you consider yourself witty?

Ahahahahah sweetheart I’m the main comic relief. If you could have a conversation with anyone at any point in history, who would it be? I’d give anything to sit down and have a cuppa with him and just nerd over art. If you could go back and tell your younger self anything, but you only had 2 minutes before returning to your current place in time, what would you say? Don’t you ever give up and don’t ever think people don’t care about you. Because they truly, honestly do.

Chocolate or gummies? CHOCOLATE. Would you rather fight a giant squid or a megalodon? NEITHER WHAT QUESTION IS THIS IT MEANS I HAVE TO GET INTO WATER DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU’RE TALKING TO?!? //has intense fear of water though not as intense as before.

Would you rather go on an adventure with Doctor Who or Ms Frizzle? Stoley stole frum THREE NAMES YOU GO BY: 1. Gearrrrr/punky 3. Keane THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU'VE HAD: Clockpunk, Gearpunk, theGearpunk THREE THINGS YOU'VE DONE IN THE LAST 33 MINUTES: Came home, sat down, ate a giant chocolate muffin. THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm short and stocky like a mini wrecking ball of cute.

I'm a fantastic fucking artist (Just really lazy and have too many rl obligations so it's either I draw and starve or work no in-between) I'm the nicest asshole THREE FOUR THINGS YOU DISLIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: AIN'T GOT NO TIME FOR NEGATIVITY THREE PARTS OF YOUR ORIGINS: WELSHY FRENCHY BORN (2nd? Gen) CANADIAN THREE THINGS YOU'RE AFRAID OF: WATER BEE'S AND SOCILIZING FKLSDFJNSKDJFN fuck that shit. None of these are as intense as using bathrooms though.

I think I should make a point to say that when I say “I’m trash” or ”this sucks don’t let me draw this anymore” shit like that, I’m 100% sarcastic trash. I love my art, I love my style, I love my passion, and I am an amazing artist. Don’t for one second think I’m dissing myself, because I’m not. I love what I do and I love the shit I do, even when it is shit.

I didn’t spend the last 25 years perfecting this talent just to talk down to myself. You bet I’m going to be a narcissistic asshole about my art Why do you think I draw myself instead of some representational character? I also think YOU should love your art/writing/talent too because you spend WAY too much time on it to diss your own material. So instead of being your own critic? Trying being your own cheerleader!Edit: Also I'm a very overdramatic princess about everything.

Iconcool studio serial mom and dad

Serial Mom Cast

From Because I work in an hour and I just woke up. Are you new to DA? PFT 7 years man. According to the last account I had before this one. What are your interests?

Also Video games. And comic making. Sleep is nice. And Pokemon.: D (Art isn't my hobby, it's my profession ) 4. Do you have any real-life friends? You're assuming I have a life outside of the internet.

Lol, yes, I have a handful of friends and I love all of them with every inch of my heart, they are all such precious cinnamon rolls. Any Online friends? Oh yeah, but please know that just because you folks are my online friends doesn't mean you're not my real-life friends. I have full intention of meeting you in person when I go on my world trip (in a million years when I am rich and infamous) 6. Eh, we'll call them 'interests' because I don't really know. If you had one wish, what would you spend that wish on? The world is plagued by despair right now.'

-Well I was going to make it selfish and personal but how can I when makes a really good point. Do you think you are a great help to your friends? When I'm not busy being a smart ass. Any favorite cousins?

Yeeeessssss She's super cool. A little overbearing and mean (not to me), but cool.: D 10. Myself.: D 11. Do you feel loved?

Especially in light of what happened. So much love and support. Ok now it's time for a real update. I have some unfortunate news regarding that.

Apparently the laptop is dead. I have yet to hear back from the pro that's looking at it, but when I asked my roomie who is also a computer wizard, she said that it was basically dead. It's Vista, so I'm not surprised. What happened was that the memory is apparently overloaded??? When I keep nothing on the computer. Only programs.

And even then I use like. 4 of them (interwebs and art programs). When I asked she said that Vista already has a really bad memory problem because of how it's designed and I'm a poor artist who can't afford my own lunch, let alone afford windows 7. I'm still going to pour everything into fixing this once I pay off my next tattoo.

Speaking of which, some of you know and some of you just remember that one wish this I posted. So one of my best friends passed away recently. The one who I wished for. Her cancer got out of hand suddenly and then we all woke up to her just.

Things have been a little rocking in the house lately. I'm getting a tattoo in regards to her, it's going to be 'If I can do it, so can you' and it's going to have her initials next to it. She impacted a lot of people. 2015 isn't ending very well. I'm ready for 2016 to start like. I have on more wish to add to my list, but this one is very special. If you're sensitive I advise you probably shouldn't read this but.

Also I'm not asking anyone for anything I'm just. We all need some positive vibes right now. I wish my friend could live a little longer. I have a childhood friend going through some really. Troubling times. She's given me the courage to live. She's given me the strength to push my insecurities and sadness and unwillingness to live.

She's helped me put that away. But she's getting worse and there's nothing anyone can do.

If I could give my life so she could live longer and without pain, if it would take all of this away, I would do so in a heart beat and without a moment of hesitation. My friend is so powerful. In her time of grief she does nothing but smile and goes out of her way to drag her friends and her brother along her incredible journey and gives us a huge adorable smile to hold on to. She just shrugs it off on the outside and lives like every day will be her last, because unfortunately, that could happen at any moment. She was diagnosed with a rare problem in her lungs at a very young age.

I don't know the full extent of the details, and I don't wish to. About a year ago the doctors said there was nothing they could do and everything has been bumpy but good so far. I know she doesn't want us to hurt for her but we do. It's because of her courage that I'm standing here today and I don't think I could have done some of the things I do without her. I wish this would all go away. She doesn't deserve this. She's too kind and fun and happy to just wilt away like this.

I fucking hate cancer. I fucking hate it. I just need some strength and you guys are so good at it. Her name is Brooke Malakoff. I knew her when she was so small. She's still alive but things aren't going as planned right now. RULES.

You'll make a list of 10 'rule free' wishes that you truthfully desire no matter how dark, pervy, weird, etc. (Seriously, dont be afraid to be selfish.

Theres nothing wrong with wanting more for yourself.). Don't be the asshole know-it-all that tries to find a loophole in it by going 'I WISH FOR A MILLION WISHES!' Yeah it doesnt work like that cuz if it did, it would be called A million wishes tag thing, not 10 wishes tag thing.

Tag at least 4-5 people when finished Tagged by Much like her, I don't do much for myself and take what I get as a blessing! Wishes are just goals I guess, lol. I'll probably be bullshitting my way through this. To master Animation. I guess if you could rank me in terms of actually 'doing the deed' I would be a novice. I'm very knowledgable in the theory of Animation, but I want to actually master the art. There's nothing quite like a completed animation after hours of slaving over it.

To leave this place. I love BC, Canada with every bit of my heart but I can't stand living here anymore. I miss the interior too, but even then, it's still not where I want to be. If I can't leave Canada, Nova Scotia is my next stop(GOOGLE THAT PLACE, IT'S BEAUTIFUL). If I do I want to go to the other side of the world, to the UK and surrounding areas. I want to visit where my family originated from in Wales and France. I want to see Europe and the Netherlands and Asia and everywhere that isn't surrounded by people I see every day.

I want see the ocean. I really just want a fucking adventure, I'm sick of this dumb (albeit beautiful) rock full of angry geese!! (with every intention of visiting all of you lovely people eventually, but just you people, no one new. I don't like meeting new, random people.). Uhhhh shit. That's kind of all I have? I mean, money would be nice.

Like, enough to sustain me AND get rid of these stupid student loans. And my friends student loans.

Iconcool Studio Serial Mom

And a few random strangers student loans. I cannot just wish for things of myself. OH WAIT I HAVE A BETTER IDEA CANADA HOW ABOUT WE JUST ABOLISH TUITION ENTIRELY! Or at least forgive the current loans so we can move on from our mistakes.

I GUESS maybe find some hopeless sod to drag along with me on my adventures. Or another human. Probably a dog. I mean a human companion is nice and all but a dog sounds better. Yeah I want a big, burly, tough, loud, messy, smelly mutt to call my own. And his name will be Dug.

Who needs humans when you have a dog who would love you no matter what. Romance Alistair as a male in DA:1. Zeveran is too awkward. GIVE ME MORE GAY!. This one gets a little deep but.

I'd like to be rid of my instabilities. Like, I'm beginning to conquer them, but they will always be there, and they will always come back. I would like them gone. I mean they've made me appreciate myself a lot more, and have granted me empathy, but.

I think I've had enough. I get the point guys, you can go away now and stop feeding me lies!! Can't a guy just be happy????.

Down with Harper. Resurrect Jack Layton. Replace Harper with Layton. Give us Canada back. You racist asshole.

But also fuck Politics. I AM WELL OVERDUE FOR SOME WINGS! And I don't mean the edible kind! I want to fly!. Less political corruption world wide.

DOG I don't really want to tag anyone, but if I don't have a choice I tag (much random!).

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