Indian Flute Melody Free Download


Soothe your spirit - Become transported to an ancient land where the sun sets in warm hues of perfect stillness. Fluid melodies of soaring Native American flute bathed reverberating Shamanic atmospheres, keyboard textures and occasional nature sounds carry you to a deeply nourishing place of rest. Acclaimed masters of healing music, David & Steve Gordon (Sacred Earth Drums, Garden of Serenity) have created a entirely new form of relaxing music that combines Native American flute music with soothing meditation music. The result is deeply calming music that is organic, spontaneous, serene and filled with spirit. You'll want to return again and again to this wonderful source of inner renewal and inspiration.

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  2. Flute Melody Songs

A playful array of musical instruments including Oboe, piccolo flute, chimes, strings, snare and wood blocks create a delicate, sweet melody suitable for children or animation projects. The melody was designed to feature many ups and downs expressing positivity and joy with simple instrumental bursts throughout. THIS TRACK IS ROYALTY FREE BUT NOT FREE. To use it in a video, film or documentary, PURCHASE a.

This breathlessly beautiful ambient music will aid you in your journey — use it for meditation, massage, yoga, sleep and relaxation. Welcome home - You know this music because it echoes in the canyons of your soul. Published Reviews Steve Ryals &mdash Nationally Syndicated Music Reviewer David and Steve are both multi-instrumentalists. On Gratitude, they both showcase their considerable skill playing Native American flute, by far the dominant instrument. They also played keyboards and Steve had some tasty guitar work. In addition, our friend Bobby Cochran contributes additional keyboards.

The overall effect is quintessentially New Age at its most sublime. Gratitude is the perfect accompaniment for massage, meditation or slow form yoga. At over 71 minutes in length, there's ample time to go deep within. From the gentle, languorous tones of 'Daybreak Appears,' with shimmering keyboards dancing devotion into the day to the nature-sounds-infused 'Long feathers in the Wind,' Gratitude inspires delicate waves of heart-opening bliss. Actually, the nature sounds, recorded at Big Sur State Park, Sequoia National Forest and Joshua Tree State Park, infuse Gratitude with an overwhelming sense of the sacred. Surely one of the finest meditation albums of 2010, I know that Gratitude will fill your heart with, well, gratitude. New Age Reatiler Leaving behind the assortment of drums and percussion that accompanied them on previous Native flute albums, the Brothers Gordon instead concentrate on weaving a serene web of comforting flute melodies that float gently over a bed of ambient synthesizer textures.

Gratitude showcases yet another side of this duo, who seemingly can do no wrong no matter in what direction they take their music. These peaceful soundscapes (which also feature occasional nature sounds) blend their assorted wooden flute tones with contemporary keyboards, resulting in beautiful and soothing Native fusion music. Recommended for massage. — Bill Binkelman Music Design In Review When David and Steve Gordon set their minds towards creating an album of music for relaxation, you can be certain that it will truly deliver in that department — and then some.

GRATITUDE: RELAXING NATIVE FLUTE MEDITATIONS is the kind of album that puts your mind at ease within minutes of hitting the play button. The central instrument on the album is the Native American flute, whose dreamy, slightly melancholy tones entrance the listener amidst a powerfully soothing undercurrent of synthesizer atmosphere, which flows by like the waves of a gently babbling stream. The strumming of guitar wanders in and out of the soundscape, while nature sounds populate the backdrop and the shake of the rainstick adds a mystical touch. The album is well-suited to appeal to fans of Native American music (the flute in particular — it sounds fabulous here) and those looking for relaxing music for personal healing practices. New Age Music World Gratitude has a calming sensation which briefly takes you back to their innovative days of nature sound ambience first heard in primordial album if you listen close enough.

On their current however a more prominent Native American Flute interchange becomes extended when partnered with drawn out electronic enhancements, nurturing depth while maximizing the level of richness in tonal balance. The electronics blended with woodwind passages impart moments of peace and solitude in a relaxing sanctuary of refined ambience. While sharing equal time and thought on this album, the Native American flute passages at times, becomes the calming voice from the past that shares a respective dialogue with modern day electronic ambience.

— John P Olsen Daily Om Brothers Steve and David Gordon have been helping to forge the sound of relaxation and healing for decades, proving themselves time and again to be visionary innovators in everything from ambient nature recordings to shamanic percussion. In this case it's Gratitude: Relaxing Native American Flute Music. The title tells you what you get: rain-stick rattles and a flute style that successfully merges the animal (the lonesome cry of the hawk as it circles lazily across the desert terrain) with the human/musical to the point where you can't tell where one ends and the other begins. 'Daybreak Appears' creates the feeling of seeing your very first sunrise, only this time alone, or not there at all, in the desert, with just a rattlesnake's far-off warning and the blazing pink ridge along the black outline of distant buttes. Flutes echo like the last brave-hawk spirit of the night, notes flowing longer and more surreal over Native American percussive textures and modulating synth beds that flow over and transform the energy fields around you as you listen, increasing depth of perception. You feel rooted to everything under and including the sun, your heart beats to the tune of desert sky, and the world feels safe and secure, nestled within your awesome oceanic self.

Elsewhere, dreamy retrospection. A smoldering classical guitar and a sense of impending excitement suffuses 'In the Wide Land I Walk,' with the flute's melody unusually melancholic, expressing perhaps the sad song of a disappearing tribe.

A two-tone bell percussion gives the feeling of a daemonic event occurring, or having already occurred, in the distant past. Then again, the Brothers Gordon are not prophets; just focused and inspired musical collaborators. They make music not to show off or express themselves, but for the practical use of physical therapy, meditation, yoga, healing, and even naps. Yes, Gratitude is great nap music for those days when life seems to be crushing in on you, and you need to be carried on magical wings to some faraway land, where you can wander while sitting still, and fly while lying down, and the late afternoon sun shining through the window on your face as you lie on the couch becomes a pair of loving, beckoning hands, lifting your spirit up like a hungry child into the nurturing mother sky. You can express your own gratitude by smiling and letting that pink light of daybreak so eloquently embodied in the Gordon's music fill your darkened landscapes with joy, love, and reverence for those who've walked this wide land before. BSC Music Two of the greatest artists of the American New Age music scene return with a very special work: David & Steve Gordon, the two composers, multi-instrumentalists und producers from California, who became known as the creators of New Age classics such as 'Sacred Earth Drums' or 'Garden of Serenity'. On 'Gratitude,' they devote themselves to the healing music of the Native Americans.

The album is focused on the perhaps most meditative facet of American Indian folk: flute music. Thus the Gordons follow the example of the great American Indian musician R. Carlos Nakai, who in the 1980s made the traditional Navajo flute melodies known to the greater public.

Indian Flute Melody Free Download

David & Steve Gordon, who have become skillful music ethnologists over the years, approach the musical heritage of the Native Americans with great love, respect and care, but also add a new aspect to it: samples of nature sounds from three of the most beautiful regions of the American West, Big Sur State Park, Joshua Tree State Park and Sequoia National Forest.Beautiful calming music that will echo in the canyons of your soul! The album before us today is a demonstration of the ease of Gordon Brothers at the time of writing, produce and perform and a clear example of the wonderful and recommendable collection music that can be discovered in Sequoia Records. After their great success with his series focusing on percussion, multi-instrumentalists David and Steve Gordon will embark on a new journey with the Native American flute as the protagonist, a fascinating blend of ambient sounds and different synthesizers and keyboards that adhere with an infinite delicacy to this ancient instrument, creating one of the most relaxing and interesting music ever heard. Hand in hand with these great musicians we discover the charm and mystery of Native American tribes, evolving its penetrating sound with an unusual but amazing accompaniment of guitars and keyboards together to keyboardist Bobby Cochran.

A perfect title to introduce the album, 'Daybreak Appears.' A touch of mystery to trap the listener in an uncommon environment. Various rattles and gentle synthesizers serve of delicate musical background on the sound of the flute native who plays music that reveals the grandeur of the vast expanses. Interesting piece! The most extensive of all the themes, 'It Shall Be Beautiful.'

Nine minutes of powerful peace, where the alliance of natural sounds (birds, sea.), the synths and the deep flute immersed the listener in a peaceful world, glimpsing to the passage of music, different places of indescribable beauty. Enigmatic is 'The Long Life Makers.' An exaltation of life, where the flow of a river and birdsong accompany the haunting melody generated by the flute and various synthesizers. 'In the Wide Land I Walk' is one of my favourites. The faint sound of keyboards and flute are added masterful strumming an acoustic guitar that alternate their with native flute melody while perform gently synthesized sounds. A delicate duo in a quiet and lovely music.

Bewitching composition! Sweet, very sweet, let yourself go through for the notes in the wind, to this pleasure invites us 'Where the Waving Branches Meet.' Rattles and unalterable musical background more than peaceful, keep the listener into a delightful trance, emerging occasionally the beautiful flute. How wonderful.

Another of my favourites! 'Long Feathers in the Wind' are notes that talk about power. A majestic music that describes the character of the great leader thanks to a mystifying musical background and a rattle, while a native flute duo perform a mysterious music. What strength! Since it can not be otherwise, 'Who Love the Rain' begins with the fall of rain. A soothing piece, the best in relaxation, where a soft synth is constant musical background to serve the native flute and a guitar strumming chords that emerge in a few moments. 'Increase Without Fail' is full of mystery.

Indian Flute Melody Free Download Music

A dark piece created by the union of a menacing keyboards and a tireless Native American flute. Different sounds and guitar riffs sound background capturing the listener's attention constantly. 'Drinking the Sweet Waters.' Another composition of Gratitude in which the fusion of Native flute and electronics is incredible. The wind instrument maintains a touch of mystery, its unmistakable sound, while hypnotic synth describing a melody that comes and goes, reassuring, while, different sounds emerge. In 'Peace in Every Step' appears an interesting duo eclipsing the musical background. A perfect dialogue between acoustic guitar and flute, both instruments play different melodies that fit together.

One of my favourites! 'When the Sun Disappears in the West' is the end of the story told by Gratitude. Night falls on the vast plains.

Another great compositions on this album a success of Gordon Brothers conclude with such force. Native flute and some powerful synth notes combine perfectly, creating an intense melody under the serene sounds of the night. Angel's Kiss The first time I heard this album, it took me back to my early twenties when I worked at the local metaphysical shop. This is when I first learned about the metaphysical sciences, tarot cards, herbs and many other 'unusual' things. I certainly felt gratitude to be able to work at such an interesting place, as it was bathed in mysticism and secret knowledge of the old. We listened to Native American music often.

Shamanism was often a topic of interest that stretched lengthy conversations until it was time to close-up. I have a special place in my heart for all things shamanic and am certainly a lover of nature, animals and nature sounds. I have listened to a lot of Native American music over the years.

Some of it I like, some of it not so much. I can easily say Gratitude - Relaxing Native American Flute Music makes my favorites list. I am not the only one to hold this album in such high regard either. This 11-track album is one of the bestselling recordings on the Sequoia Records label and it was named best world album of 2011. Bringing out another unrivaled album from the studio, Gratitude - Relaxing Native American Flute Music is a soothing and serene voice that speaks the language of mother earth. The album highlights the not only technical talent of the musicians, but also the spiritual understanding of something greater that we are all a part of.

With both David and Steve playing flute and keyboards, and Steve on guitar, this album tells a tale without the necessity of lyrical definition. Listening to this album makes me feel peaceful and relaxed, connected to my inner being and to the universal center that connects us all. I find myself uplifted without getting too excited like some of the other David & Steve Grodon albums. There are no drums or rhythm, simply keyboard, flute and a little guitar.

I thought I heard a rain stick in there somewhere, lost in the atmosphere which this album creates. Nature sounds from Big Sur State Park, Joshua Tree State Park and Sequoia National Forest give it an overall earthy, shamanic feel. Visions of a quest to discover the true self dance around within my mind, touching and opening my heart. Gratitude is perfect for, massage, new age shops, at night during sleep or on a relaxing, perhaps even rainy afternoon.

Customer Comments Share your ideas:. Relaxing Loved this whole album. Great way to end your day listening to music. — Carol ValentinoTempe, AZ,US Gratitude for Gratitude I purchased the MP3 of 'Gratitude' a couple weeks ago. Around the same time I discovered screen for my Mac that is a zen rock garden. I play 'Gratitude', close all windows, dim the screen, and meditate - empty, open, let go & relax.

Along with, or followed by, the chan ssu chin, this is the perfect way to let go of the day and prepare to sleep and dream. — Nima Great Barrington, MA,USA Grateful I am grateful for this 11 song collection of healing music and relaxation.for the flute has always been the main soother for the circle. — Richard D.Granada Hills, Ca.,USA Relaxing I recently purchased the CD 'Gratitude.' I use it for meditation, for chilling out and to help me fall asleep at night. It is very soothing. — Chilled OutIN, Relax and Enjoy! This is one of those albums that you can just sit and relax to, let go with, or just loose yourself in.

I have enjoyed it since the moment the album arrived at my door! The music is very peaceful and the sound of the flute is so gentle and soothing.

I am definitely glad I got this album! — ReflectingInIdahoID,USA Gratitude is Outstanding I couldn't wait for it to arrive in the mail. It is well done, outstanding and very relaxing. It will transport you to another time and place. — The Other David GordonGrottoes, VA, People Who Bought this Album also Bought.

Flute Melody Songs

David & Steve Gordon David & Steve Gordon David & Steve Gordon David & Steve Gordon.

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