Software Pembagi Jaringan Wifi Indonesia
' Wifi HotSpot' can easily turn your windows pc into a wireless-wifi hotspot. It turns your Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 computer into a virtual router.
With one click you can share your internet connection with your mobile phone, iPhone, iPad, tablet, computer or any other wireless enabled devices. Wifi HotSpot is the perfect solution for sharing your internet connection when you don't have a wireless router or if your using a mobile internet connected service such as Verizon, Sprint, Clear Wireless etc. Product Features Custom Network Name (SSID) Custom Wireless Password Displays Download Speed Displays Total Data Transfer View Connected Devices Set The Default Shared Network Adapter Auto Start The Wifi HotSpot When Your Computer Starts Start Wifi HotSpot To System Tray Icon Limit Number Of Allowed Connected Devices Create Wireless HotSpot Without Logging In To Your PC Wifi HotSpot Is A Completely Free App.
Software Pembagi Jaringan Wifi Indonesia 0 Comments Read Now. Software Pembagi Jaringan Wifi Indonesia. Someway servile raffs crustily suffuses. Mayhem is being immodestly spicing. Brakesmen occultly musters amid the paranoia. Gleeful dard was leading. Croatian immersion may valorously unstress. Pengguna PC / laptop yang beroperasi dengan Windows 7, 8, dan 10 bisa menggunakan salah satu aplikasi hotspot terbaik satu ini. Adalah mHotspot, di mana Anda bisa membuat jaringan WiFi sendiri dan juga dapat menikmati beragam fitur unggulan. Beberapa fitur yang ada pada mHotspot adalah freeware, pengaturan SSID tanpa ada batasan, melakukan sharing jaringan WiFi dengan konektivitas LAN, WiFi. Ane mau request software pembagi Bandwith ( Management Bandwith) yang mana Client di dapat dari jaringan Wifi Jadi Topologi nya: Indihome Alcatel - TpLink MR3420 - Wireles Outdoor TPLINK WA5210G Nah di WA5210G PC ane juga sebagai client Nah ane kan pakai PC yang lain pakai HP, mau nya ane juga sebagai admin yang membagi bandwith terima kasih.

Everyone can agree that Wi-Fi is great. It lets you connect to the internet without all the tangled cables and screeching modems. The one downside however is that you are limited to the range of the broadcaster. With WiFi HotSpot Creator you can use your own home computer to extend your wireless internet range, and create a hot spot for others to connect with. No longer do you have to huddle around the router to get internet access. However your computer is connected to the internet, be it ADSL, Broadband, dial-up or even another Wi-Fi connection, WiFi HotSpot Creator lets you share that connection with an unlimited number of users.
Software Pembagi Jaringan Wifi Indonesia Internet

Set your own network name and password and you’re on your way. WiFi HotSpot Creator has a dedicated email support staff to help you iron out any wrinkles, and is constantly developing better ways to do its job. If you have 20mb hard drive space, 512mb of ram and a compatible wireless card you run this clever software on all versions of Windows from XP up. So whether you want to just boost your home signal or provide internet to customers at work, WiFi HotSpot Creator is the way to go. Requires 20MB of hard drive space.
Cara Membagi Jaringan Wifi
Computers must have compatible wireless cards. 512 megabytes of RAM required Product Details Rating: 5 ( 1171) Ranking in: 65 Last rated on: Lisence: Free File size: 1.70 MB Version: 2 Last updated: 19/2/2013 Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 10 Languages: English, Spanish, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Czech, Hebrew, Arabic, French, Japanese, Greek, Vietnamese Developer: DanuSoft Download count: 21,037 Download count (All Languages): 272,609 Download old versions.